From the mother :
My children can see Jesus when they want and talk to Him, but only during or after a long prayer, because the devil is very angry at them and often tries to confuse them.
That's why we always wait the time of the rosary prayer to talk with Jesus and to ask for an explanation of the visions or ask for advises concerning the 'Warning' mission or our daily lives. All the visions and locutions publicised in this website have been verified many times after the rosary.
We also know that all visionaries have this problem to face and Jesus asked us to share this problem in the website in order to warn them to be careful. Pray first with attention and devotion and then talk to Jesus. We also should not ask everything, for exemple about the future or with bad intentions. Surely the devil would win if you expose yourself.
Jesus attested that only the last prophecy given to Maria of Divine Mercy (Book of Truth) is spared from such attacks of the devil (all messages of the book of Truth are from Divine origine) but when the prophet talks with Jesus personnally she has the duty to pray before she talks, like all genuine visionnaries.
See from the 'Book of Truth' 18/03/2011:
"My daughter, these Messages are authentic, but you must only communicate with Me during prayer or after prayer. This is important because the deceiver can sometimes try to intercept unless you are in quiet prayer with Me."
The devil tries to imitate God but always fails by showing something unholy in the words or in the manners, some bad mimics or a bad behaviour after a while for exemple or there is suddenly something unpleasant in his voice, and finally and surely a bad advice. God forces him to stay himself even while he tries to imitate God. Because no demon has the right to be God.
I often prayed that my children may not been confused with false visions and locutions. That's the real answer to my prayer !
If Jesus talk to them outside the prayers, we always stay alert and careful, we consider that the locution is probably from God but we ponder all locutions in the light of the Holy Spirit. God does not want us to believe all things without reflection.
In the begining only small demons were entering our house and some burning candles with some short prayers were sufficient to drive them away, but since we purified our house from bad objects small demons can't enter, and since we became more constant in our daily prayers and more engaged in the mission for the MDM prophecy (Book of Truth), only strong demons try to attack and can enter to take vengeance against the children. Now at the stage of our work, we are obliged to pray every day the rosary. We also have noticed that these strong demons don't stay in our house more than a night, they are fleeing after the night and Satan send another one. I asked the children why the demons were entering only at night or in the evening and they explained after questionning Jesus, that it was because the demons are afraid of the light of the sun which is a blessing from God. There are surely demons also during the day but there are much more at night and stronger ! Saint Michael Archangel explained in a vision that the satanists are very activ at night praying to Satan.
The last temptation of my daughter was during three days of 'aridness' where the girl could not seen Jesus or Saints any more. As she was crying because she believed to have lost her gifts to see spiritually, she suddenly saw the Devil, Satan, and he started to show her the cruelty of God, giving poisonned gifts full of sufferings and then offered her other gifts more powerful and without sufferings. But my daughter said to him "No, No, I want the gifts of God and with the suffering'! The devil disappeared. The next day she was gifted again from God.
It is to notice that the blessed salt is more powerful than the blessed water against devils, because they are tortured by burning if we use it against them. Always use blessed salt and water with prayers.
The children have notice that Satan has eyes full of fire and the fire is forming horrible horns, but they have seen him also with other faces, because he has many (dragon, beast of the apocalypse, snake...).
If you believe that my children may have imagine all this, I can attest here that I have always protected my children from bad films, even from bad cartoons, also from bad books and they had not seen any horrible face or drawing, any horrific photo, and when they began to see bad spirits in their early ages. So it is impossible to imagine such visions. They also have visited Hell many times witnessing unbelievable tortures of the damned. I personally could never imagine such visions.