BOOK OF ACTS 2:17= In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

BOOK OF ACTS 2:17=  In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

Sunday, 25 October 2015


We are a catholic family and my two first children want to share with the world the new advice of Jesus they heard in their last vision for all visionaries and MDM warriors. In their vision, Michael Archangel and Mary were also appearing with Jesus. They are appearing together in all important visions they want us to share with the world, said my daughter.

First of all, you have surely noticed you are also the target of the Devil, like us.

So, the advice of Jesus is : [Jesus is talking in our native language, here is my translation] : "don't  give up, because the Devil would win over you ! Don't give up your mission, I have called you. You are tempted to give up to escape the Devil but on the contrary you would be exposed to him in body and soul. So continue your work for Me, follow Me, accept the sufferings and attacks, trust me and you will win the battle"

Now I will tell you the last dangers we were confronted to:

After creating this website to share the visions of my children, my daughter, the more engaged in this MDM mission with me, was suddenly attacked by a devil (this evil spirit took the apparence of a pyramid with an eye inside... So you can call him the Illuminati devil) : I had left my house and was in the street going away, but my daughter cried and screamed with fear at the opened window : 
"Mommy, come back! The Devil is killing me, I can't breath !!!!" When I came back, my daughter could not move anymore, she was suffocating and enduring heart pain. I immediatly pray over her with some exorcising prayers with blessed water and salt. I covered her head with my hands calling for the holy spirit and the most Holy Blood of Jesus and she was delivered. After she recovered health, my daughter explained me that the devil even brought her down the chair she took to open the window.

We surely have enemies in this world, not only evil spirits.
The enemies of God are afraid because my children could demask them, seeing with the eyes of the spirit their hearts, the microchip in their hand or their demons inside or outside around them. In my eyes, we are not a danger for them, we just pray for them, we are not revealing their names at all except for the false prophet, pope Francis.
If there is any occult pratices against us, I have no fear because the blood of Jesus is covering us. We are often praying for the conversion of satanists.

I trust the Lord and I am praying the prayer of the Seal of the Living God every day and I know that we will become invisible to the army of the Antichrist in time of real danger for the body or the soul.

See the link :

Now, let think about these death threats! The goal of the Devil is to stop our mission.

I asked the girl if she prefered to stop the mission, because she started to be afraid, but she didn' agree and then saw with her brother the vision of Jesus advising us and other like us not to stop, because it is more dangerous to stop than to continue. It is a war, you know!
I remember other attacks like this one, in the past, as I started to share the messages of Jesus from the Book of Truth. Electricity was cutted in the most important moment of my work on facebook or while I was writing the visions of the children.
- We had sometimes earthquakes, we were living only in our house (no mention in the news).
- One day I was transporting my writings about the visions of my children to my priest because the bishop was coming and he wanted to deliver this document to him, but as I was driving the car, a great storm came and tried to fear us, I thought I should come back to home because I had also the children in my car, but I continued and arrived to destination, delivered the document. After our meeting, the sky opened with a extraordinary sunny day. The girl noticed it and said to me "It's because we have done the Will of God!"
- other attacks in the bathroom : while my son was washing his hands with cold water, the water suddenly became hot without explanation and my son was burned.
- Most of attacks are the burnings : evil spirits have a burning 'spiritual body' and when they touch my children they are harming them by burning (without visible wounds).
- other attacks : evil spirits claws at my children.
- As we were in the car travelling, a man saw us in his car and engaged in our road at the worst time. We did not understand why he engaged because he was also in danger. We have risked our lives, only one second separated us from an eventual crash. Now I can imagine that the devil has the power to possess even for a moment somebody to try to kill us. That's why we should always pray before all our work and actions, before driving.  
- another day my daughter saw the webcam of our computer working, but I did not notice any change, because she was seeing with the eyes of the spy and she saw exactly what the spy was seeing through the webcam, she was seeing herself and our work on the computer. But don't be afraid, are we really dangerous ? 

I don't fear because my children have seen their 'rapture' at the time of the rapture of the church. I know we will survive and unite ourselves with Jesus. 

I have noticed that the attacks take place when we do the Will of God. So, don't think the house is possessed. We are warriors of the end-time, not saints. The children are seeing also their own hearts and know humbly that they are not saints. God does not choose the best ones !

Another attack came in a moment where I was working hard for the MDM mission and my children had a lot of visions, sometimes even about the Antichrist, but without seeing his face, a tornado came in front of our window and sent detached wood boards with great speed into my house throught the window.  Some seconds before we (I and my children) were looking throught the window with fear, but my son said we should go away. I understood the danger and came to our bedroom. After some seconds a big wood board destroyed the window and knock the wall, in the exact place I was standing before some seconds. I should have died, you know! But we are protected ! All these events are failed attempts. Don't be afraid, the Devil tries, the Lord wins!

The devil take vengeance. You know, the devil knows he can't harm us like he wants, God doesn't allow this, because the children are young, but the devil wants to make us fear, so that we stop the mission. For me it's the final best proof I waited for to believe in the visions of my children and in the messages of the MDM prophecy (Book of Truth). I can't doubt any more.