BOOK OF ACTS 2:17= In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

BOOK OF ACTS 2:17=  In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

Saturday, 17 October 2015


published by Larry Wolfe (Kelly) on facebook


Many children in the world are receiving dreams and visions from God Our Father and Jesus Christ.

I know two children. They are below the age of 10 years old. They are both seeing the black heart of Mr. Bergoglio (ie Francis) , entirely black. Both children said that Jesus told them during the vision that He can't remain in his heart but also because of the five demons, which the children are seeing inside. But, as you know, every spiritual state can change with our prayer.

The children do not see any cross on his forehead, which is the sign of the Seal of the Living God that they are seeing on the foreheads of the faithful church. The children also see inside body of some people the microchip, a small object with the size of a piece of rice and the hidden number 666 inside.

Revelation 13 (15-18) :

Without any prior knowledge of the operation Mr. Bergoglio had and that he now lives with only one lung, they said that they were seeing only one lung.

This was also the will of God, as the children said, to share this vision with all of you as a sign for encouraging you to believe in His final prophecy.

The children said that the hearts of the faithful are shining, the light is coming from the heart and also from the cross at the forehead, which is the light of Jesus if the hearts are in state of grace. They said that some of them are shining more if they are saints. Demons are blinded from the light and are fleeing those of you who are the most pure.

If the black pope unites with the body of Christ in the Eucharist it could shock us and leave us without understanding. That's why the children explain that the strongest devils resist the presence of God, as far as they have observed with their experience of seeing them. The devils are tortured by His Holy presence.

They said that God Himself is suffering from these communions in state of greatest sins. That's unfortunately for this reason Bergoglio (ie:the pope) is taking the Holy Eucharist, the host in his body because he knows the effects and he hates God. This was the explanation given by Jesus Himself. However the children attest that even Bergoglio himself is suffering inside his body, as well as the demons themselves at the moment of the communion. But after entering the body, Jesus is leaving him alone with his demons. A real communion is impossible.

The reforms of the liturgy will happen because the only one who cannot bare and endure the communion, the Holy Eucharist, is the antichrist himself. Bergoglio's goal is to stop the transformation of the bread into Christ not only for the Antichrist but also for himself.

Here is the link to understand who is pope Francis in the book of Revelation :