BOOK OF ACTS 2:17= In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

BOOK OF ACTS 2:17=  In the last days, God says: " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your so

Sunday 25 October 2015


We are a catholic family and my two first children want to share with the world the new advice of Jesus they heard in their last vision for all visionaries and MDM warriors. In their vision, Michael Archangel and Mary were also appearing with Jesus. They are appearing together in all important visions they want us to share with the world, said my daughter.

First of all, you have surely noticed you are also the target of the Devil, like us.

So, the advice of Jesus is : [Jesus is talking in our native language, here is my translation] : "don't  give up, because the Devil would win over you ! Don't give up your mission, I have called you. You are tempted to give up to escape the Devil but on the contrary you would be exposed to him in body and soul. So continue your work for Me, follow Me, accept the sufferings and attacks, trust me and you will win the battle"

Now I will tell you the last dangers we were confronted to:

After creating this website to share the visions of my children, my daughter, the more engaged in this MDM mission with me, was suddenly attacked by a devil (this evil spirit took the apparence of a pyramid with an eye inside... So you can call him the Illuminati devil) : I had left my house and was in the street going away, but my daughter cried and screamed with fear at the opened window : 
"Mommy, come back! The Devil is killing me, I can't breath !!!!" When I came back, my daughter could not move anymore, she was suffocating and enduring heart pain. I immediatly pray over her with some exorcising prayers with blessed water and salt. I covered her head with my hands calling for the holy spirit and the most Holy Blood of Jesus and she was delivered. After she recovered health, my daughter explained me that the devil even brought her down the chair she took to open the window.

We surely have enemies in this world, not only evil spirits.
The enemies of God are afraid because my children could demask them, seeing with the eyes of the spirit their hearts, the microchip in their hand or their demons inside or outside around them. In my eyes, we are not a danger for them, we just pray for them, we are not revealing their names at all except for the false prophet, pope Francis.
If there is any occult pratices against us, I have no fear because the blood of Jesus is covering us. We are often praying for the conversion of satanists.

I trust the Lord and I am praying the prayer of the Seal of the Living God every day and I know that we will become invisible to the army of the Antichrist in time of real danger for the body or the soul.

See the link :

Now, let think about these death threats! The goal of the Devil is to stop our mission.

I asked the girl if she prefered to stop the mission, because she started to be afraid, but she didn' agree and then saw with her brother the vision of Jesus advising us and other like us not to stop, because it is more dangerous to stop than to continue. It is a war, you know!
I remember other attacks like this one, in the past, as I started to share the messages of Jesus from the Book of Truth. Electricity was cutted in the most important moment of my work on facebook or while I was writing the visions of the children.
- We had sometimes earthquakes, we were living only in our house (no mention in the news).
- One day I was transporting my writings about the visions of my children to my priest because the bishop was coming and he wanted to deliver this document to him, but as I was driving the car, a great storm came and tried to fear us, I thought I should come back to home because I had also the children in my car, but I continued and arrived to destination, delivered the document. After our meeting, the sky opened with a extraordinary sunny day. The girl noticed it and said to me "It's because we have done the Will of God!"
- other attacks in the bathroom : while my son was washing his hands with cold water, the water suddenly became hot without explanation and my son was burned.
- Most of attacks are the burnings : evil spirits have a burning 'spiritual body' and when they touch my children they are harming them by burning (without visible wounds).
- other attacks : evil spirits claws at my children.
- As we were in the car travelling, a man saw us in his car and engaged in our road at the worst time. We did not understand why he engaged because he was also in danger. We have risked our lives, only one second separated us from an eventual crash. Now I can imagine that the devil has the power to possess even for a moment somebody to try to kill us. That's why we should always pray before all our work and actions, before driving.  
- another day my daughter saw the webcam of our computer working, but I did not notice any change, because she was seeing with the eyes of the spy and she saw exactly what the spy was seeing through the webcam, she was seeing herself and our work on the computer. But don't be afraid, are we really dangerous ? 

I don't fear because my children have seen their 'rapture' at the time of the rapture of the church. I know we will survive and unite ourselves with Jesus. 

I have noticed that the attacks take place when we do the Will of God. So, don't think the house is possessed. We are warriors of the end-time, not saints. The children are seeing also their own hearts and know humbly that they are not saints. God does not choose the best ones !

Another attack came in a moment where I was working hard for the MDM mission and my children had a lot of visions, sometimes even about the Antichrist, but without seeing his face, a tornado came in front of our window and sent detached wood boards with great speed into my house throught the window.  Some seconds before we (I and my children) were looking throught the window with fear, but my son said we should go away. I understood the danger and came to our bedroom. After some seconds a big wood board destroyed the window and knock the wall, in the exact place I was standing before some seconds. I should have died, you know! But we are protected ! All these events are failed attempts. Don't be afraid, the Devil tries, the Lord wins!

The devil take vengeance. You know, the devil knows he can't harm us like he wants, God doesn't allow this, because the children are young, but the devil wants to make us fear, so that we stop the mission. For me it's the final best proof I waited for to believe in the visions of my children and in the messages of the MDM prophecy (Book of Truth). I can't doubt any more.

Tuesday 20 October 2015


From the mother :

My children can see Jesus when they want and talk to Him, but only during or after a long prayer, because the devil is very angry at them and often tries to confuse them.
That's why we always wait the time of the rosary prayer to talk with Jesus and to ask for an explanation of the visions or ask for advises concerning the 'Warning' mission or our daily lives. All the visions and locutions publicised in this website have been verified many times after the rosary.

We also know that all visionaries have this problem to face and Jesus asked us to  share this problem in the website in order to warn them to be careful. Pray first with attention and devotion and then talk to Jesus. We also should not ask everything, for exemple about the future or with bad intentions. Surely the devil would win if you expose yourself.

Jesus attested that only the last prophecy given to Maria of Divine Mercy (Book of Truth) is spared from such attacks of the devil (all messages of the book of Truth are from Divine origine) but when the prophet talks with Jesus personnally she has the duty to pray before she talks, like all genuine visionnaries.

See from the 'Book of Truth' 18/03/2011: 
"My daughter, these Messages are authentic, but you must only communicate with Me during prayer or after prayer. This is important because the deceiver can sometimes try to intercept unless you are in quiet prayer with Me."

The devil tries to imitate God but always fails by showing something unholy in the words or in the manners, some bad mimics or a bad behaviour after a while for exemple or there is suddenly something unpleasant in his voice, and finally and surely a bad advice. God forces him to stay himself even while he tries to imitate God. Because no demon has the right to be God.
I often prayed that my children may not been confused with false visions and locutions. That's the real answer to my prayer !
If Jesus talk to them outside the prayers, we always stay alert and careful, we consider that the locution is probably from God but we ponder all locutions in the light of the Holy Spirit. God does not want us to believe all things without reflection.

In the begining only small demons were entering our house and some burning candles with some short prayers were sufficient to drive them away, but since we purified our house from bad objects small demons can't enter, and since we became more constant in our daily prayers and more engaged in the mission for the MDM prophecy (Book of Truth), only strong demons try to attack and can enter to take vengeance against the children. Now at the stage of our work, we are obliged to pray every day the rosary. We also have noticed that these strong demons don't stay in our house more than a night, they are fleeing after the night and Satan send another one. I asked the children why the demons were entering only at night or in the evening and they explained after questionning Jesus, that it was because the demons are afraid of the light of the sun which is a blessing from God. There are surely demons also during the day but there are much more at night and stronger ! Saint Michael Archangel explained in a vision that the satanists are very activ at night praying to Satan.

The last temptation of my daughter was during three days of 'aridness' where the girl could not seen Jesus or Saints any more. As she was crying because she believed to have lost her gifts to see spiritually, she suddenly saw the Devil, Satan, and he started to show her the cruelty of God, giving poisonned gifts full of sufferings and then offered her other gifts more powerful and without sufferings. But my daughter said to him "No, No, I want the gifts of God and with the suffering'! The devil disappeared. The next day she was gifted again from God.

It is to notice that the blessed salt is more powerful than the blessed water against devils, because they are tortured by burning if we use it against them. Always use blessed salt and water with prayers.

The children have notice that Satan has eyes full of fire and the fire is forming horrible horns, but they have seen him also with other faces, because he has many (dragon, beast of the apocalypse, snake...).
If you believe that my children may have imagine all this, I can attest here that I have always protected my children from bad films, even from bad cartoons, also from bad books and they had not seen any horrible face or drawing, any horrific photo, and when they began to see bad spirits in their early ages. So it is impossible to imagine such visions. They also have visited Hell many times witnessing unbelievable tortures of the damned. I personally could never imagine such visions.



Saturday 17 October 2015



First child BOY : born in 2003 / first vision of a beautiful Lady a the top of a church at the age of 2 and half, some days later the same Lady at our window (after looking at us with smile she flew and disappeared, then no more for years. Next testimonies of visions came in 2011 but started a long time before (he said over two years before, after he came back from Italy (october 2009) where he visited the Tomb of Father Pio de Pietrelcina) but he was afraid to talk because he thought it was imagination. Later visions and locutions became rare, because of lack of engagement from him and because he didn't want to endure the sufferings linked to God's gifts, but continue to pray morning and evening prayers and a daily rosary or at last some of the crusade prayers in afternoon. However he is still gifted with the same graces. Perhaps God is waiting...

Second child GIRL : born in 2006 / visions of people's hearts at early age but did not talk because she thought it was normal so that she told me later for the heart's visions. Most of other visions came in 2012. Most of visions and locutions are coming today from her because of her engagement with love and sacrifice accepting the sufferings, praying like her brother but with more devotion.

Third child GIRL : born in 2012 / first visions of angels (bad and good one) at the age of 2 and half / recently a vision of paradise and a lady with covered head. 


I have most of their visions reported in my writings send first to my priest and then to my bishop. My priest, spiritual director of the children started to believe in the apparitions but as I told them both for the heart of Bergoglio (dark heart), they (the bishop and my spiritual director) started to think the visions may come from the evil one only because pope Francis was accused but with no other argument. As I did not want to disobey the bishop who said that I should not share the MDM messages in facebook, I hesitated a while, but soon Jesus gave me another priest for my spiritual direction. This priest gave me the right to continue the publication and my mission. He heard me and the children with respect and silence, without judging and said that time will show us the truth. Today my first priest seems to have changed his mind perhaps because of the fulfilment of the PROPHECIES FROM THE BOOK OF TRUTH, which the visions of my children are confirming.   


I guess the children can not be classified as 'prophets' because they have not any messages for the world, but only visions, altrough some of these visions are prophetic and fulfilled (My daughter had a vision of our house shaking and a month later we had a earthquake. She also saw chinese people shacked. Later china had an earthquake.), but I prefer to classify my children in the category named by Jesus in the book of Truth: 'other missions'. The mission is to attract our local priests and bishops to MDM prophecy. Only the local cleric know them and about theirs gifts. For this reason, that they are not prophets with messages to deliver, I decided to share with the world their experiences, not to concurrence any prophecy but only to support the final exact prophecy of MARIA OF DIVINE MERCY in the BOOK OF TRUTH, so that the doubting followers may be convinced.


My two children have also been sometimes reading the crusade prayers of "the book of truth" written in the sky by Jesus with lightened letters and could pray without any book. Sometimes when I was doubting some locutions they had, Jesus writed them in the sky in the same manner.

(all these prayers are unbearable to Satan, as he can not present such a crusade of prayers. This is the proof that the BOOK OF TRUTH is from GOD. It is impossible to be from Satan)



"Today I want to share the suffering of my children because of their ability to see with the spirit invisible things. 
Very often, and in particularly the days where I am working the most for the Lord, my two eldest children suffer the vengeance of bad spirits. I guess the goal of the Devil is to make me stop the mission the Lord gave me to spread the prophecy from the "book of truth" given to MARIA OF DIVINE MERCY.

- ATTACK ON THE BODY : I remember at the beginning the boy seeing a snake in the bathroom that start to touch his body and bite his arm. Naturally there was no real snake, it was a demon, but to my surprise the boy had two little symetric holes with blood. Both the boy and the girl are suffering from attacks like this one.

- INFESTED PLACES : When they see demons around them, most of times they immediately feel sick, as if they would vomit, or they feel vertigos. You know, the devils are often monsters in the middle of a fire, or even spit fire from their mouth like dragons and they often look like dragons. So that the evil spirits hit the children with their burning 'bodies' or with a dragon tail full of thorns. Naturally the wounds are invisible in most of cases, but the suffering is horrible for a child, a child !!! So I understood that the soul also suffers, not only the body. For example, all those who are dead, without body at this time, but who are in hell, do you think they don't suffer as if they had a body? They suffer more than with a body! The children have observed that even demons suffer from our prayers, burning and screaming during my simple and poor exorcism of the house when they enter, and then fleeing towards hell at the bottom of the earth !

- INFESTED PERSONS : the children also don't bear the presence of people that are possessed or simply surrounded from a cohort of demons, because their presence burns them, they try to retire or sometimes endure this suffering as a sacrifice, if they are unavoidable. I encourage them to endure however to help the Lord saving or atoning the sins. But they can not stand a long time before these people or these demons living inside. It is not always the body that is possessed but also the soul. A innocent child can be possessed in his body, but the soul is safe. That's why Mary told us to wear the sacramentals to help stop them. But it is more dangerous if the soul is contaminated because of sin.  Because mortal sins open the door to demons in both soul and bodies. The rosary is a powerful exorcism. Whoever is feeling a possession should start the rosary even if he don't like it, because Mary will provide and give you the grace to like it in time. Just persevere until you like it. 

- INFESTED OBJECTS : The demons are not only in the body, or in the hearts or in the room, but also in objects: bad and evil symbols in the vestments (most of new fashions: 
skulls, monsters, stars in a circle, dragons, goat's head, rock design ....), in tattoos, on our bags, on the books, even school books, in cartoons, in the toys, in films, publicities, on the shoes we wear, also masonic or satanic symbols are now all over there. So demons have the ability to possess things and their goal is to attack through temptation all those who use these infested things. Even when you are not aware and not directly compromised with the sects behind these symbols, you will be attacked. That's why you should begin to clean your goods and property from all evil symbol or object. It's better to remain poor than to possess corrupt things. Here will be tested your love for the Lord. Are you able to renounce possessions to keep your soul safe ? The children noticed that if the infested things are burned, the demons that were attached return to hell instantly. But if you simply throw it away, one day another person will be attacked. Do as you can, the best you can do. 

- CLEAN YOUR HOUSES : For me it was very simple to discover the infested things because the children were burning in their contact (when wearing a bad tee-shirt or when touch a bad symbol in books, using an infested object...) or were seeing demons entering or leaving impure things. Since I have clean my house, the children are more at peace, the attacks are more rare. It's not enough to think : 'I can keep this because I am not sinning with this'. NO ! Would you say 'I keep this amulet because I don't believe in superstitions, this is only an object'?. But this object attracts evil spirits! Do you think you're stronger than them? The Lord, yes, He is stronger, He has beaten them already, but you are the temple of the Lord : would our Lord Jesus keep bad things in his temple without being offended, without suffering. Keep your soul and body clean for the Lord to honor Him and His purity. In some cases where we couldn't separate us from infested things (like school books or uniforms), I have trust the Lord and believed in His mercy; and have exorcised them in His Holy Name and in the name of His Mother. If there wasn't anything directly offending Him, He has heard our prayer and the children were able to live again in peace using these exorcised things or books."

See below the link to help fighting evil: 
Search "Boycott Evil" page on facebook



In october 2012 the 8 and half years boy saw a frightening BEAST 
(without knowledge of the apocalypse at this time), which he described as a big DRAGON WITH SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS and crowns decorated with skulls.

He draws the beast as well as he could but did not arrive to picture it as he saw, because it was very difficult to draw the feet and the heads of the beast.
The boy said without hesitation that the heads looked like heads of dragons. 
The tail was clearly like a dragon's tail that tried to hurt him during the vision. 
The boy told his mother that the beast was very angry because he was seeing it. 

The beast spat from each mouth fire, lava, lightnings and water full with piranhas. The teeth of the beast's heads were like those of vampires. The boy had seen many times spirits that looked like vampires, because the demons like taking this form, while he never had seen any vampire at television, because the family censored very carefully this kind of film as well as horror and violent films. So that the boy's mind could not create these visions. The mother recognised the vampire by the description.

As the mother blessed his boy with the miraculous water from Lourdes during the vision because of the threatening beast's tail and the boy's illness in the presence of the Beast (see Revelation 12/17), the boy instantly healed, but the beast start to suffer with fire and appeared wounded at one of the heads. As some blood was flowing from one of the heads of the beast it formed a red number 666.
After the boy drew the beast, the mother saw in the drawing the chain with small bowls that attached the Beast to a big rock. The mother said to her boy :
- "Why did you not tell me that the beast was attached with a bowled chain ?"
- "Why ? said the boy, do you think it could be the bowls of Mary's rosary ?"
-"Yes, of course it is, because the prayers of the rosary are breaking the power of the beast until the immaculate heart of Mary triumphs.
At the time where the sister was seeing too with the same graces, she saw the same beast in a vision, while nobody had told her, for they did not want to frighten her, because she could endure nightmares.
But God has other plans and He knows very well what He is doing. Remember the children of Fatima, that saw hell in their small age. So, as she was looking under her feet through the ground, exploring with the eyes of the spirit, she saw the beast, attached in hell at the rock, in the centre of the earth, trying to break the rosary's chain with his feet and almost detached. As the family start to pray together the rosary, the beast failed to break away the chain and enraged.
Since the time of these visions, the family experienced that the beast was approaching them whenever they had neglected the rosary for one or more days. Now they are more careful and the attacks of the Beast and the demons are more rare.
To conclude, remember the appeal of Saint Pope John Paul II to pray the rosary every day as the best remedy to the apocalyptic sufferings.

==> Attached to this text see the drawing of the boy :


published by Larry Wolfe (Kelly) on facebook

Today I want to share with you the first important vision of the two children, which have seen the heart of Bergoglio (ie : the black pope / the false prophet) :

The oldest child began to see spirits, when he was 2 years old, as he began to speak, and more frequently in 2011, but in 2012, at the end of the year, the oldest child had seen something significant : the 'ELEVATION' in the sky of all members of his family, father, mother and sisters. They were walking up to the sky on some beclouded stairs towards Jesus and embraced him with great love and peace.

At the time of the vision, the smallest sister was 10 months, but in the vision she was grown up but still a kid, and did walk on her feet, even the boy saw himself bigger and changed, so for the other sister. The biggest sister had the same vision one year later in a time where she was beginning to see the same spiritual things as her brother was seeing, but she did not know about the visions of her brother because it was a secret.

Later, as the biggest sister was seeing like her brother with exactly the same graces : seeing Jesus, Mary, and some saints, seeing the seal of the living God at the forehead shining or not, inside the body the hearts of different people, the microchip in the hands of leaders of the world (which she described as a piece of rice not knowing to call it a chip), the number of the Beast 666 inside the microchip, seeing also both paradise, purgatory and hell; they start to share their visions together and often were seeing together the same visions at the same time.

During the 'rapture vision' of the girl they asked Jesus for some explanations in order to understand better. Jesus said that their family will be united with Him in a blink of an eye as a rapture before the most dangerous sufferings of the tribulation.

After asking Jesus they also learned that those who will be left on earth are those who are not purified, for example with a non shining cross at the forehead or without the cross and who need to be purified by enduring the final tribulation as a earthly purgatory, with the risk of martyrdom, but will sanctify themselves in this way. The left behind without the cross at the forehead can still be saved by remorse and by seeking the pardon of God and they will also receive the seal of the living God if so. They will also enter the new paradise at the second coming of Jesus. They should pray the seal of the living God every day to survive.

That's the great Love of God ! The time of the rapture will come so surprisingly ... Be ready at all times. So in conclusion, notice the age of the grown baby and prepare for an imminent rapture of the church, are you ready, have you purified your heart by confession and reciting the prayer of plenary indulgence?

RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH in the BIBLE,                             a catholic revelation !

REVELATION  16 (13-16)
1 THESSALONIANS  4 (15-18)
MATTHEW 24 (36-42)
MATTHEW  25 (1-13)


published by Larry Wolfe (Kelly) on facebook


Many children in the world are receiving dreams and visions from God Our Father and Jesus Christ.

I know two children. They are below the age of 10 years old. They are both seeing the black heart of Mr. Bergoglio (ie Francis) , entirely black. Both children said that Jesus told them during the vision that He can't remain in his heart but also because of the five demons, which the children are seeing inside. But, as you know, every spiritual state can change with our prayer.

The children do not see any cross on his forehead, which is the sign of the Seal of the Living God that they are seeing on the foreheads of the faithful church. The children also see inside body of some people the microchip, a small object with the size of a piece of rice and the hidden number 666 inside.

Revelation 13 (15-18) :

Without any prior knowledge of the operation Mr. Bergoglio had and that he now lives with only one lung, they said that they were seeing only one lung.

This was also the will of God, as the children said, to share this vision with all of you as a sign for encouraging you to believe in His final prophecy.

The children said that the hearts of the faithful are shining, the light is coming from the heart and also from the cross at the forehead, which is the light of Jesus if the hearts are in state of grace. They said that some of them are shining more if they are saints. Demons are blinded from the light and are fleeing those of you who are the most pure.

If the black pope unites with the body of Christ in the Eucharist it could shock us and leave us without understanding. That's why the children explain that the strongest devils resist the presence of God, as far as they have observed with their experience of seeing them. The devils are tortured by His Holy presence.

They said that God Himself is suffering from these communions in state of greatest sins. That's unfortunately for this reason Bergoglio (ie:the pope) is taking the Holy Eucharist, the host in his body because he knows the effects and he hates God. This was the explanation given by Jesus Himself. However the children attest that even Bergoglio himself is suffering inside his body, as well as the demons themselves at the moment of the communion. But after entering the body, Jesus is leaving him alone with his demons. A real communion is impossible.

The reforms of the liturgy will happen because the only one who cannot bare and endure the communion, the Holy Eucharist, is the antichrist himself. Bergoglio's goal is to stop the transformation of the bread into Christ not only for the Antichrist but also for himself.

Here is the link to understand who is pope Francis in the book of Revelation :